Featured Stock Research Reviews
We could all use every extra advantage when researching stocks to invest in. Even if you have a solid system why not learn more from the experts?
Whether it’s stock picks, stock research strategies or automated systems we’ve got you covered.

Seeking Alpha

The Motley Fool


Trade Ideas

Oxford Club
Featured Trading Tools
When it comes to day trading, tools can make or break your strategy. To keep up with fast moving markets it’s key to use technology to optimize your strategies.
Check out our recommended trading tools & software to make your trading more profitable and more efficient.

Mindful Trader

PowerX Optimizer


Jigsaw Trading

Monument Traders
Featured Prop Trading Firms
One of the fastest growing investing industries is prop trading. Instead of relying on limited capital and taking on all of the risk, competent traders can easily get access to a large amount of funding.
Below are the top prop trading firms where you can quality for plenty of funding and with generous profit splits.

Take Profit Trader

Apex Trader Funding

Funder Pro