About Josh Rodriguez

Joshua Rodriguez is the owner and founder of CNA Finance. His experience in market analysis is vast, earning him positions as a contributor to top websites. When he's not working, Josh enjoys time with his wife, 3 year old daughter, 8 year old son, and five large-breed dogs who tend to keep his schedule booked.

Investing Tips From Warren Buffett

Investing Tips From Warren Buffett

January 18, 2019January 18, 2019

We all know who Warren Buffett is. He’s one of the most successful investors that has ever lived. At the end of the day, if we want to become successful, one of the best moves ..

The Basics of Risk vs. Reward and How to Manage It

The Basics of Risk vs. Reward and How to Manage It

April 10, 2018April 10, 2018

For newcomers to the market, there’s one term that will be seen quite often, and while just about everyone thinks they understand it, it’s vitally important that they actual..

How to Find Rumor-Related Opportunities in the Market

How to Find Rumor-Related Opportunities in the Market

October 23, 2017October 23, 2017

Rumors happen all the time in the market. While rumors are generally looked down upon, savvy traders find themselves searching for rumors as they have the potential to lead to mass..

How a Catalyst Turns into Dollar Signs

How a Catalyst Turns into Dollar Signs

February 6, 2017February 6, 2017

Those of us that have been around the block in the investing world know that there are several important signals for investors to watch. One of the most important of these is known..

Trading With The News: A Surefire Strategy

Trading With The News: A Surefire Strategy

January 20, 2017January 20, 2017

If you’re a trader, whether a beginner or a professional, you know the importance of strategy. At the end of the day, your trading strategy is the what, when, and why, of jus..

Yet Another Reason Dave Ramsey Is Wrong!

Yet Another Reason Dave Ramsey Is Wrong!

May 12, 2014May 12, 2014

Thanks for joining me for my third post bashing Dave Ramsey’s principals. OK, so these posts are a bit rude. The truth is, Ramsey has a butt load of followers that follow everyth..

Dave Ramsey Shouldn’t Be Teaching Finance Volume 2!

Dave Ramsey Shouldn’t Be Teaching Finance Volume 2!

May 5, 2014May 5, 2014

To be honest I’m not the type of person that really likes to rag on people and their ideas. So, when I was presented the opportunity to write this series, I was naturally a bit c..

Why Dave Ramsey Ideas on Credit Are Crazy

Why Dave Ramsey Ideas on Credit Are Crazy

April 28, 2014April 28, 2014

Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? Of course you have. He’s a well known personal finance expert with a following that I could only dream of. However, I’d also like to point out th..

Best Peer To Peer Lending Sites Review

Best Peer To Peer Lending Sites Review

January 24, 2014January 24, 2014

Peer to peer lending gets more and more popular with every passing day. The simple fact is, consumers and small businesses enjoy the low cost loans, and investors really seem to lo..

Compare the 5 Best Online Brokers

Compare the 5 Best Online Brokers

December 20, 2013December 20, 2013

  Hey everyone, thanks for joining us for this week’s review. Today, we’re going to try something a little different. Throughout the past several months, we’ve been ..

myFICO Review – Free Credit Score Reporting

myFICO Review – Free Credit Score Reporting

December 13, 2013December 13, 2013

Hey everyone, thanks for joining me for this week’s review. Over the last while, more and more personal finance bloggers and experts have been stressing the importance of FICO sc..

How Much Money Should You Have In Savings Before You Invest?

How Much Money Should You Have In Savings Before You Invest?

October 7, 2013October 7, 2013

Hey everyone, Josh here again for another Monday Money post! Last week, I talked about what I learned while investing over the past month or so. One of the main points was that due..

A Detailed Prosper Review

A Detailed Prosper Review

July 26, 2013July 26, 2013

Once in a while, a new investment opportunity comes along that cannot be ignored. These days all of the buzz seems to be about peer to peer lending. After reading about the ROI r..

Manipulating Compound Interest Rates

Manipulating Compound Interest Rates

June 3, 2013June 3, 2013

Hey everyone, thanks for joining me for this week’s Monday Money! Today, I’m going to go over something that most people have some experience with and know very little ..