Asset Allocation by Age: Is Your Portfolio Optimized?

Asset Allocation by Age: Is Your Portfolio Optimized?

July 5, 2021July 5, 2021

Your asset allocation is a delicate balance. More risk means the potential for higher returns, but it also means a greater risk of a decline in your portfolio’s value. Thus, this article will ta..

Which Cryptocurrency to Buy: Top Three Bitcoin Alternatives

Which Cryptocurrency to Buy: Top Three Bitcoin Alternatives

August 5, 2019August 5, 2019

The first thing to say about cryptocurrency investment is that it does not provide a guaranteed windfall in the short term. There was a time when cryptocurrencies could seem to do no wrong but the sto..

4 of the Best Beer Stocks for Investors

4 of the Best Beer Stocks for Investors

April 10, 2019April 10, 2019

Beer is hot right now and so are many beer stocks. But you shouldn’t just throw money blindly into this sector. There are some beer stocks that are doing things right, earning market share and growi..

Cryptocurrency: Top Trading Tokens and Strategies

Cryptocurrency: Top Trading Tokens and Strategies

April 9, 2019April 9, 2019

Are you buying cryptocurrencies? Every day we all watch news talking about cryptocurrencies and bitcoins and how people are getting rich. Early investors, billionaires, startups, everything seems to b..

Leverage Alternative Investments to Diversify Your Portfolio

Leverage Alternative Investments to Diversify Your Portfolio

April 3, 2019April 3, 2019

What would you do if extra money were to suddenly land in your lap? According to the IRS, approximately 70 percent of Americans can look forward to receiving a tax refund each year. A mere 16% plan to..

Alternative Investments – 4 Options Outside the Stock Market

Alternative Investments – 4 Options Outside the Stock Market

August 27, 2018August 27, 2018

Alternative investments are a great way to build wealth! Yes, the stock market is a great way to invest your money. However, there are plenty of options available that are just as good or better, allo..

4 Alternative Investments That Will Make You Money

4 Alternative Investments That Will Make You Money

June 19, 2018June 19, 2018

The stock market is a great way for you to grow your wealth. After all, if you simply follow the indexes and invest for the long term, you can achieve an average 8% return on your money. There are ver..

Why Bitcoin is Not A Form of Money

Why Bitcoin is Not A Form of Money

December 15, 2017December 15, 2017

The Purpose of Money Money has been around for as long as human civilization. The purpose of money is to facilitate three primary functions. Medium of exchange Store of value Unit of account Cryptocur..

How to Open a Cryptocurrency Company

How to Open a Cryptocurrency Company

December 7, 2017December 7, 2017

Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin have probably become two of the most common and used words in the financial and IT fields in our days. The huge success and head-whirling value of the Bitcoin have encourage..

How to Invest in Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology

How to Invest in Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology

November 20, 2017November 20, 2017

Table of Contents: What are cryptocurrencies?How to invest in cryptocurrencies – the riskTop 3 Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, LitecoinWhich cryptocurrency should you invest in?Buying cryptocur..

Blockchain for Good

Blockchain for Good

November 19, 2017November 19, 2017

The technology of a “chain of blocks”, built on the principle of decentralisation and working on the basis of distributed computing – blockchain – is being used in an increasin..

A Guide to Different Financial Market Trading

A Guide to Different Financial Market Trading

April 13, 2017April 13, 2017

A lot of people are barely aware of all of the trading that goes on in financial markets across the world. They have no clue how much money is being made by people who do nothing but buy and sell onli..

Creating a Balanced Portfolio Using Alternative Investments

Creating a Balanced Portfolio Using Alternative Investments

March 23, 2017March 23, 2017

Investing in Alternative Asset Classes It’s never easy to predict what markets will do in the future. That’s why it’s best to maintain a well-diversified, balanced portfolio to weath..

Wunder Capital Review

Wunder Capital Review

March 6, 2017March 6, 2017

Short Wunder Capital Review Pros – Wunder Capital is the leading online investment platform for the solar energy market. Wunder uses their advanced technology to help investors invest in reliable so..

4 Alternative Investment Options for Your IRA

4 Alternative Investment Options for Your IRA

January 13, 2017January 13, 2017

Forbes published a story recently about a famous pianist who died and left her daughter a significant amount of money in her IRA. The daughter wanted to purchase real estate with the money she inherit..

Invest in Whiskey, It’s Better Than Gold

Invest in Whiskey, It’s Better Than Gold

November 17, 2016November 17, 2016

While it gathers dust on your shelf along with your other spirits, you may be surprised to learn that your whisky might also be gathering interest—significant interest at that. Scotch single malt wh..

6 of the Most Popular Instruments for Financial Traders

6 of the Most Popular Instruments for Financial Traders

March 16, 2016March 16, 2016

Getting into the financial markets can be daunting to say the least, as whichever trading vehicle you decide to use may offer access to 1000s of different instruments. The most popular securities can ..

What Types of Assets Can You Trade in Binary Options Trading?

What Types of Assets Can You Trade in Binary Options Trading?

October 23, 2015October 23, 2015

Getting started trading binary options can feel confusing or overwhelming, but it does not have to feel that way. It is actually a very straightforward to enter this new industry. One of the key quest..

Is Wine Investment Actually Worthwhile?

Is Wine Investment Actually Worthwhile?

August 7, 2015August 7, 2015

Opportunities for expanding investment portfolios have massively diversified throughout previous decades. In recent times, traditional and popular investments have included property, shares, gold and ..

Beginners Guide to Penny Stock

Beginners Guide to Penny Stock

December 19, 2014December 19, 2014

Many people are looking to figure out how to build a stock portfolio. Some of the best stocks are $100 or more per stock, which means that it can be very expensive to get started within the stock mark..