The Curious Misalignment of Investing and Tax Planning

The Curious Misalignment of Investing and Tax Planning

March 27, 2018March 27, 2018

By David Miller, founder & CEO of PeachCap, CFP® In recent years, discretionary hedge funds have been under scrutiny for high fund management fees and charges despite lackluster performance. Howe..

Stock Investing: 5 Reasons Why We Keep Hanging on to That Loser

Stock Investing: 5 Reasons Why We Keep Hanging on to That Loser

March 6, 2018March 6, 2018

One of the popular songs that is sung by Kenny Rogers is entitled the “Gambler.”  It is a song about two men on a train talking about the secret to life.  It has a catchy melody, is very..

Initial Coin Offerings: Five Reasons Why They Are a Raging Success

Initial Coin Offerings: Five Reasons Why They Are a Raging Success

March 3, 2018March 3, 2018

Welcome to the cryptocurrency age! We are currently in an era when the modern-day currency is slowly losing its essence. This is all down to the mammoth rise of cryptocurrencies over the past few year..

3 Easy Investing Tips to Lower Your Taxable Income

3 Easy Investing Tips to Lower Your Taxable Income

February 27, 2018February 27, 2018

One of the biggest reasons investors earn lower than expected returns is from taxes. Taxes eat up on any gains you earn, causing you to earn less than what a mutual fund or exchange traded fund earned..

Using Financial Calculators to Gain Control of Your Finances

Using Financial Calculators to Gain Control of Your Finances

February 21, 2018February 21, 2018

In the old days, if you wanted to figure out how you were doing financially, you had to sit down with a pen, paper, and a calculator and do some math. But as technology has advanced and more people to..

Using Beta to Build a Risk Adverse Portfolio

Using Beta to Build a Risk Adverse Portfolio

February 14, 2018February 14, 2018

If you are a nervous investor, what is your process for building a portfolio? Do you do massive amounts of research before settling on the right investments? Or are you so scared of stocks, you only i..

How to Use Opportunity Cost to Grow Your Wealth

How to Use Opportunity Cost to Grow Your Wealth

February 13, 2018February 13, 2018

Are you familiar with opportunity cost? Most people in business have come across this term early in their careers, but everyone, regardless of profession or interest, can use opportunity cost to their..

Social Media Stocks Are Hot. Here Are the Ones to Invest In.

Social Media Stocks Are Hot. Here Are the Ones to Invest In.

February 12, 2018February 12, 2018

Social media isn’t just the rage for the younger generation to communicate and for the older generation to stay in touch. Social media has become the way for advertisers to reach potential clients. ..

What to Do with Your Losing Stocks

What to Do with Your Losing Stocks

February 7, 2018February 7, 2018

Unless you’re some phenomenal investor that always picks winners (in which case you’re likely on a beach somewhere not reading this article), you’ve had stocks that have lost you money before. I..

Irrational Exuberance: How to Cash in When Others Are Losing Money

Irrational Exuberance: How to Cash in When Others Are Losing Money

January 31, 2018January 31, 2018

Greed and fear rule the market. For individual investors, the majority base their investing decisions on these two emotions and as a result, end up losing money more often then make money. You might e..

How to Use Behavioral Finance to Your Investing Advantage

How to Use Behavioral Finance to Your Investing Advantage

January 18, 2018January 18, 2018

Do you know why you make the choices you do when it comes to investing? I’m sure you could look back on some of your past investment decisions and wonder what in the world were you thinking. While s..

Ignoring Risk Management is a Costly Investing Mistake

Ignoring Risk Management is a Costly Investing Mistake

January 9, 2018January 9, 2018

What is Risk Management? Many investors have difficulty figuring out exactly what risk means to them. But this is an crucial topic to understand if you are to succeed in today’s markets. In the ..

Investing Is Not A Zero-Sum Game – Leads To Money For Smart Investors

Investing Is Not A Zero-Sum Game – Leads To Money For Smart Investors

January 5, 2018January 5, 2018

Ask the majority of people about investing and they will probably tell you that when the stock market rises, everyone wins and when it drops, everyone loses. But this isn’t the case. Investing in th..

Dollar Cost Averaging: The Simple Investing Strategy That Works

Dollar Cost Averaging: The Simple Investing Strategy That Works

December 18, 2017December 18, 2017

Many times we investors make investing much harder than it needs to be. We spend countless hours researching trying to find the next Apple or Amazon. In reality, we could just deploy a simple dollar c..

The Sneaky Way Inflation Hurts Your Investments

The Sneaky Way Inflation Hurts Your Investments

December 14, 2017December 14, 2017

I’m certain if you watch any news coverage you have heard about inflation. But you might not know what inflation is all about or even how it affects your investments and your money in general. The t..

Using The Power Of The 80-20 Rule For Larger Returns

Using The Power Of The 80-20 Rule For Larger Returns

December 6, 2017December 6, 2017

When it comes to investing, we all want to earn the highest return possible. There are many strategies out there to help with this endeavor. Some investors use charting tools, while others go by a fun..

The Simple Way A Stop-Loss Order Protects Your Investment

The Simple Way A Stop-Loss Order Protects Your Investment

November 25, 2017November 25, 2017

As an investor, the biggest risk you face is losing money. While the goal is to make money in the stock market, no matter how much research you put into a stock it doesn’t guarantee that you will se..

Here’s What Young Professionals Need to Know About Investing

Here’s What Young Professionals Need to Know About Investing

November 16, 2017November 16, 2017

Once you’ve started your career and are bringing home regular paychecks, it’s time to start thinking about investing. The sooner you start putting money away for the future, the sooner you’ll re..

Essential Orders Type All Investors Should Know

Essential Orders Type All Investors Should Know

November 15, 2017November 15, 2017

As a trader, placing an order looks simple because all you have to do is click on the buy button or sell to enter a trade but it’s not quite that simple with all of the order types available and..

How to Become an Investment Banking Analyst with No Experience

How to Become an Investment Banking Analyst with No Experience

October 24, 2017October 24, 2017

Goldman Sachs, Apollo Global, JP Morgan, Bain Capital, BlackRock, Sequoia. All high powered firms that most people can only dream about. Recently, there’s been an unusual increase in lesser qualifie..

How to Find Rumor-Related Opportunities in the Market

How to Find Rumor-Related Opportunities in the Market

October 23, 2017October 23, 2017

Rumors happen all the time in the market. While rumors are generally looked down upon, savvy traders find themselves searching for rumors as they have the potential to lead to massive movements in the..

5 Tips to Successful Investing in Stocks

5 Tips to Successful Investing in Stocks

October 13, 2017October 13, 2017

Investors can use different strategies and styles to pick up stocks and build portfolio, but to become successful investor no matter what strategy you use, you have to build and follow rules that lead..

New Services Make It Easier to Start a Crowdfunding Platform

New Services Make It Easier to Start a Crowdfunding Platform

September 28, 2017September 28, 2017

One of the things that hinder many from carrying out their dreams in real estate is the lack of sufficient funds. It is not easy to acquire loans from banks, and if you are lucky to qualify, you might..

Three Crucial Factors to Determine If You’re Ready to Invest

Three Crucial Factors to Determine If You’re Ready to Invest

September 17, 2017September 17, 2017

Whether you are deciding to do it yourself or hire a financial planner to get it done for you, investing can be intimidating. But the reality is unless you plan on winning the lottery your retirement ..