Raise Review – A Digital Gift Card Marketplace
February 6, 2015
The holidays have come and gone, and this can only mean one thing: you have new gift cards in your life. Gift Cards are a mixed bag. And it makes sense. We don’t know what people want or need, so we..
An Investing Strategy That Works
January 28, 2015
Guest contributor, Barbara Friedberg Are you interested in an easy way to take part of your income, invest it, and have tens of thousands of (dollars or more in the future? Do you think you need to be..
3 Reasons to Start Small with Online Investing
December 30, 2014
Investing in the stock market comes with both risks and rewards. You could have a great investment that can make you a lot of money, or you could have a bad investment that results in you losing money..
A Review of Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
October 31, 2014
Thomas Sowell is a brilliant economist who had a rough history before he succeeded in life because of hard work. He started out in poverty and became one of the premier American economists of our time..
Why Dave Ramsey Ideas on Credit Are Crazy
April 28, 2014
Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? Of course you have. He’s a well known personal finance expert with a following that I could only dream of. However, I’d also like to point out that the man is absolu..
Realizing the Importance of Side Income
April 16, 2014
Recently my friend Shannon from The Heavy Purse e-mailed about a special she was hosting for financial literacy month. Normally I wouldn’t think much of these initiatives and would politely decl..
Best Peer To Peer Lending Sites Review
January 24, 2014
Peer to peer lending gets more and more popular with every passing day. The simple fact is, consumers and small businesses enjoy the low cost loans, and investors really seem to love the returns offer..
How Much Money Should You Have In Savings Before You Invest?
October 7, 2013
Hey everyone, Josh here again for another Monday Money post! Last week, I talked about what I learned while investing over the past month or so. One of the main points was that due to inflation, when ..
Manipulating Compound Interest Rates
June 3, 2013
Hey everyone, thanks for joining me for this week’s Monday Money! Today, I’m going to go over something that most people have some experience with and know very little about at the same ti..
The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing Book Review
March 28, 2013
For a while now I’ve been wanting to be more active in my financial endeavors and get more into investing. You always hear all these stories of people getting their money working for them with solid..
The Latte Factor Explained
June 19, 2012
David Bach coined a term in his book The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-step Plan to Live and Finish Rich called “the latte factor.” Within the New York Times best seller he talked about ..
Top Canadian Investing Blogs
June 16, 2012
Back in April I created a poll to rank the Top Canadian Personal Finance Blogs. Thanks to all the bloggers who shared that list with their followers, that post has remained the most popular post on my..
Pros and Cons To Investing In The Stock Market Today
June 6, 2012
The following is a guest post by Karl from WiseStockBuyer, a blog that teaches you how to how to buy stocks and grow your nest egg. Let’s start with the positives. Great Opportunities As you wil..
Putting Your Health Before Your Finances
May 28, 2012
So far, a big part of my blogging journey has focused on thinking back to my previous financial decisions. It’s made me think about my Betterment portfolio performance. I admit that I’m p..
Budgeting & Decision Making – Maintaining A Healthy Financial Life
April 25, 2012
Setting financial goals can help you achieve the dream of living a debt free and stress free life. If you would really want to stop living paycheck to paycheck, you will have to think and plan wisely...
The Psychological Benefits of Living Modestly
March 12, 2012
Rick who blogs at Invest In 2012 is honored to be featured here as a guest blogger! As media has shown us, the rich don’t necessarily live happier than the poor. I like to think of it like this...