How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
July 3, 2019
Life insurance is one of the biggest purchases of your life. You need it to make sure your family is protected in the event that the unexpected happens. The insurance payout should allow your family t..
What Happens When Your Term Life Insurance Matures?
May 29, 2019
Is your term life insurance policy about to come to an end? While it is actually designed to do just that, it may mean you have a decision to make about what to do: Do you keep it? Do you replace it? ..
The Importance of Life Insurance as a Real Estate Investor
November 30, 2017
You probably already have life insurance through a job or privately purchased, but you may not know just how important it is for your real estate investment business. If you are investing in real esta..
The Link Between Stock Market Indexes and Life Insurance Policies
October 24, 2016
What is an Index? An index or indicator is like a marker of a certain subset of the stock market which makes it easier to watch how one set of stocks performs relative to others. Motley Fool stock pic..
The Life Insurance Policy That Is a Ticking Time Bomb!
August 26, 2016
There is an insurance product on the market that is touted by many financial advisors as the “holy grail” of all financial products. It is called Indexed Universal Life or (IUL) and it is a very..
4 Questions to Ask Your Benefit Consulting Broker
July 20, 2016
Being able to offer your employees group health insurance benefits them as individuals and you as a business owner. When your employees receive proper health care, their quality of life improves and t..
Can You Use Life Insurance as an Effective Investment Tool?
June 15, 2016
The primary reason that most people invest in life insurance is to provide financial security to their loved ones in case of an early death. However, it also works as a powerful investment and retirem..
Why Is Risk Management so Important to Entrepreneurs?
March 31, 2016
What would you do if you missed a deadline? What if your subcontractor fails to deliver on time? What do you do if you cannot come at par with your client’s expectations? How will you minimize your ..
10 Reasons the Rich Use Life Insurance to Create Wealth
January 25, 2016
Just a few short years ago, I was staunchly opposed to whole life insurance, because that’s what I was taught by national “gurus” 25 years ago. I wholeheartedly believed (as many peo..
How to Choose the Best Life Insurance Company For You
June 16, 2015
Most lists that deal with the best life insurance companies include the best companies overall. That will include factors such as size, financial rating, and industry and customer recognition. But we..