First-Time Investors: 7 Steps to Getting Started
May 29, 2019
Here’s a tip to help you become rich: you need to start investing in stocks to enhance your earnings and generate long-term wealth. The monthly salary from your job is essential, but how you invest ..
Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings
May 27, 2019
Even after graduating from college, you have an excuse for not having your finances in order because you are still figuring life out. But by the time you pass 30 you realize you have to get better wit..
PE Ratio: The Best Market Timing Tool of All?
May 23, 2019
The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is considered an essential valuation indicator and has been historically associated with “value investing.” Simply put, the PE ratio defines how much an investor ..
Best Personal Finance Blogs for 20 Somethings
May 23, 2019
How do you know which is the best personal finance blog for you? You don’t. Making smart financial decisions is about handling your money situation in all areas of life. Therefore, you’ll benefit ..
Review of A Random Walk Down Wall Street (by Burton G Malkiel)
May 21, 2019
Depending on who you ask, Burton G Malkiel classic investing book should be the first on the list of any ambitious investor. Having devoured the first edition in college, I decided to tackle the revis..
How to Set Up Your Own Cryptocurrency Exchange
May 15, 2019
Cryptocurrencies have truly risen to fame over the past few years, with many traders joining in the altcoin race. But mining and trading cryptocurrencies are not the only way to make good money in the..
Home Flippers: Which Renovations Add The Most Value?
May 15, 2019
By: Zoocasa House flipping has become almost a sport in some cities around the world. Bolstered by HGTV reality shows, the DIY-reno business is booming. It’s especially hot in the Toronto real est..
Tips for Managing Your Budget Like an Adult
May 9, 2019
My parents did try to teach me the value of money when I was a kid. They set up a savings account for me and I was encouraged to put some of my allowance away each month. But, I didn’t always sa..
You’ve Managed Your Latte Factor. Now What?
May 7, 2019
You’ve followed all the great advice out there on how to manage your latte factor and have cut back on overpriced treats and unnecessary subscriptions, and are getting more mindful with cashless pay..
These Books on Flipping Houses Will Teach You What TV Shows Won’t
April 24, 2019
Concerned with ratings, TV shows rarely show the complete picture of house flipping with all the hurdles and unexpected costs. If you are looking for some “real deal” stuff you are better off with..
5 Ways Convenience Hurts Your Latte Factor
April 19, 2019
“What? How on earth can convenience hurt me in any way,” you ask? Actually, it can do so in at least five ways, as you’ll see from this post on how taking shortcuts can hurt your latte factor. L..
Penny Stock Trading: How to Profit Like a Pro
April 16, 2019
Penny Stock Trading has always been the proverbial backwater of the investing world. Though many consider penny stocks to literally mean a stock price below $1, SEC actually defines $5 as the threshol..
Internal vs External Financing
April 16, 2019
You need to increase your capital by getting more of your goods to your consumers, but this of course is going to cost you more. This is where decisions get tough and we get that. When a call to an ac..
Year-Over-Year: Why Investors Must Understand This Common Phrase
April 15, 2019
Investors and business leaders tend to use the phrase “year-over-year” on a frequent basis when discussing a company’s results. Year-over-year is often abbreviated as YoY. The concept of YoY is ..
3 Credit Card Stocks to Pay Attention To
April 12, 2019
More and more people are turning away from paper cash and using their credit cards and other online mode of payments for purchases. As a result, credit card companies are always issuing new cards and ..
5 Basic Tips for Real Estate Investment
April 11, 2019
With market prices on the rise, real estate can be a gold mine for investment. Another perk to property investment is that anyone interested in real estate can learn how to become successful in the fi..
4 of the Best Beer Stocks for Investors
April 10, 2019
Beer is hot right now and so are many beer stocks. But you shouldn’t just throw money blindly into this sector. There are some beer stocks that are doing things right, earning market share and growi..
Cryptocurrency: Top Trading Tokens and Strategies
April 9, 2019
Are you buying cryptocurrencies? Every day we all watch news talking about cryptocurrencies and bitcoins and how people are getting rich. Early investors, billionaires, startups, everything seems to b..
Leverage Alternative Investments to Diversify Your Portfolio
April 3, 2019
What would you do if extra money were to suddenly land in your lap? According to the IRS, approximately 70 percent of Americans can look forward to receiving a tax refund each year. A mere 16% plan to..
How to Supplement Your Income with Stocks
March 11, 2019
Wouldn’t it be great to replace some of your income with stock investing profits? Whether you’re currently working and want some additional incoming cash or you’re retired and looking to replace..
How to Save Money When You’re as Broke as it Gets
March 6, 2019
Just from the fact you searched for save and broke in the same sentence, I’m guessing that you want to do one of two things. You’re either sick of your lifetime savings being zero or you..
10 Ways to Start Earning Extra Money from the Comfort of Home
February 26, 2019
Raise your hand if you could handle having more money in your bank account each month. Maybes it’s an extra $100 or closer to $500, who wouldn’t want to bring in more cash? If you’re reading thi..
Five Investments That Preserve Capital, Reduce Risk
February 7, 2019
Almost 34 percent of Americans said they planned to make at least one financial resolution for 2019, reported US New & World Report. Rebalancing one’s investment portfolio was one of those decl..
How to Choose a Financial Advisor
February 6, 2019
by Niall J. Gannon, Author of Tailored Wealth Management Niall J. Gannon, Tailored Wealth Management: Exploring the Cause and Effect of Financial Success,published 2019 by Palgrave Macmillan and r..