Screening for Stocks in 8 Simple Steps
March 8, 2018
How to Find Good Companies to Invest In? What are the key attributes of attractive companies and how do you interpret numerous factors to get an overall picture of what makes a good company. It is a..
Stock Investing: 5 Reasons Why We Keep Hanging on to That Loser
March 6, 2018
One of the popular songs that is sung by Kenny Rogers is entitled the “Gambler.” It is a song about two men on a train talking about the secret to life. It has a catchy melody, is very..
Initial Coin Offerings: Five Reasons Why They Are a Raging Success
March 3, 2018
Welcome to the cryptocurrency age! We are currently in an era when the modern-day currency is slowly losing its essence. This is all down to the mammoth rise of cryptocurrencies over the past few year..
3 Easy Investing Tips to Lower Your Taxable Income
February 27, 2018
One of the biggest reasons investors earn lower than expected returns is from taxes. Taxes eat up on any gains you earn, causing you to earn less than what a mutual fund or exchange traded fund earned..
Using Financial Calculators to Gain Control of Your Finances
February 21, 2018
In the old days, if you wanted to figure out how you were doing financially, you had to sit down with a pen, paper, and a calculator and do some math. But as technology has advanced and more people to..
Trading Toward Your Own Financial Freedom
February 20, 2018
Financial freedom means many different things to different people. For some people financial freedom means the freedom to live a comfortable and simple life without the hassle and stress of working 9 ..
How to Invest your Retirement Savings
February 19, 2018
If you’re just starting to invest for retirement, you may be making a big mistake without even realizing it. For decades, the industry drumbeat has been that stock investing is extremely challenging..
How to Build an Optimal Dividend Portfolio
February 15, 2018
Building a successful dividend portfolio has significant benefits over the long-term. I LOVE the prospect of investing in high-quality stocks at reasonable valuations and getting PAID to wait until va..
Using Beta to Build a Risk Adverse Portfolio
February 14, 2018
If you are a nervous investor, what is your process for building a portfolio? Do you do massive amounts of research before settling on the right investments? Or are you so scared of stocks, you only i..
How to Use Opportunity Cost to Grow Your Wealth
February 13, 2018
Are you familiar with opportunity cost? Most people in business have come across this term early in their careers, but everyone, regardless of profession or interest, can use opportunity cost to their..
Social Media Stocks Are Hot. Here Are the Ones to Invest In.
February 12, 2018
Social media isn’t just the rage for the younger generation to communicate and for the older generation to stay in touch. Social media has become the way for advertisers to reach potential clients. ..
Investors Guide to Surviving Volatility in the Stock Market
February 9, 2018
It’s back!!! After well over a year of a smooth ride in the stock market, volatility is back with a vengeance. Even on days where the market closes down a few points, a closer look shows that the ma..
What to Do with Your Losing Stocks
February 7, 2018
Unless you’re some phenomenal investor that always picks winners (in which case you’re likely on a beach somewhere not reading this article), you’ve had stocks that have lost you money before. I..
Maximizing Your Real Estate Return Without Losing Your Shirt
February 6, 2018
Investing in real estate seems like the most stable way of making money and earning an income that will ensure a comfortable retirement, but, as with anything, delving into real estate does have its s..
Irrational Exuberance: How to Cash in When Others Are Losing Money
January 31, 2018
Greed and fear rule the market. For individual investors, the majority base their investing decisions on these two emotions and as a result, end up losing money more often then make money. You might e..
4 Practical Ways to Reduce Your Debt Burden and Avoid Bankruptcy
January 29, 2018
Being in debt is embarrassing because it is a factual proof of your inability to manage your finances properly. The embarrassing nature of a debt burden can be amplified by debt collection agencies wh..
How to Use Behavioral Finance to Your Investing Advantage
January 18, 2018
Do you know why you make the choices you do when it comes to investing? I’m sure you could look back on some of your past investment decisions and wonder what in the world were you thinking. While s..
Why Your 401(k) Plan Is Your Most Powerful Investment Account
January 16, 2018
As an investor, you have many different accounts that you can use to invest your money in. And each of these different accounts has its own advantages and disadvantages. But there is one account that ..
Why Investing in Exchange Traded Funds Will Grow Your Wealth Fastest
January 10, 2018
As an investor, you have many options for where to put your money. You could invest your money into certificates of deposit at your bank, in mutual funds or even in stocks. While all of these choices ..
Ignoring Risk Management is a Costly Investing Mistake
January 9, 2018
What is Risk Management? Many investors have difficulty figuring out exactly what risk means to them. But this is an crucial topic to understand if you are to succeed in today’s markets. In the ..
Investing Is Not A Zero-Sum Game – Leads To Money For Smart Investors
January 5, 2018
Ask the majority of people about investing and they will probably tell you that when the stock market rises, everyone wins and when it drops, everyone loses. But this isn’t the case. Investing in th..
How to Avoid Losing Money in Forex
December 27, 2017
Let’s be honest – all people are looking for easy ways to earn money. Those, who have funds, invest into businesses or buy shares of big companies, other people try other things starting from gamb..
Dollar Cost Averaging: The Simple Investing Strategy That Works
December 18, 2017
Many times we investors make investing much harder than it needs to be. We spend countless hours researching trying to find the next Apple or Amazon. In reality, we could just deploy a simple dollar c..
Why Bitcoin is Not A Form of Money
December 15, 2017
The Purpose of Money Money has been around for as long as human civilization. The purpose of money is to facilitate three primary functions. Medium of exchange Store of value Unit of account Cryptocur..