Extreme Sports and Investment Risk Tolerance: a Shaky Analogy

Extreme Sports and Investment Risk Tolerance: a Shaky Analogy

December 7, 2015December 7, 2015

It occurred to me while watching professional trick skiing over the holiday break, “How in the world does someone learn how to do this?” Sure, I’ve skied before, but my journey from the top of t..

401(K) Basics For Your First Real Job

401(K) Basics For Your First Real Job

December 5, 2015December 5, 2015

Many of our readers are “Millennials” and people who are even younger than that. For people in this age group, everybody knows that the economy they entered in their young adulthood was not the be..

Forex vs Stocks: Which is a Better Investment?

Forex vs Stocks: Which is a Better Investment?

November 27, 2015November 27, 2015

One thing that everyone considering trading Forex is whether it’s the right choice. There are other options that you’ve heard a lot more about – especially if you have watched financial ..

Market Makers vs. ECN Brokers

Market Makers vs. ECN Brokers

November 25, 2015November 25, 2015

Many Forex brokers advertise themselves as ECN brokers. ECN is an automated system that matches buy and sell orders for a variety of different investment vehicles. An ECN connects major brokerages and..

Learn the Ropes of Investment with Binary Options

Learn the Ropes of Investment with Binary Options

November 24, 2015November 24, 2015

The basics of investment have stayed the same for many generations. At its core, investment is as simple as selling something for more money than you spent buying it. But investment culture and practi..

10 Ways to Protect Your Online Identity

10 Ways to Protect Your Online Identity

November 23, 2015November 23, 2015

The safety of personal identity and information is a growing concern. As identity theft techniques become more sophisticated, so must our methods of staying secure. Because this information can encomp..

What Lies Ahead for Real Estate Crowdfunding in 2016

What Lies Ahead for Real Estate Crowdfunding in 2016

November 19, 2015November 19, 2015

In the three years since the passage of the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, crowdfunding has become a force to be reckoned with in the investing arena. Though relatively new, the real estate..

The Value of Dividend Stocks

The Value of Dividend Stocks

November 18, 2015November 18, 2015

Entrepreneur, investment guru, and television personality Kevin O’Leary says the choppy financial markets in North America shouldn’t cause investors to run away. Instead, he says, stock in..

Passive Saving as an Alternative to Frugality

Passive Saving as an Alternative to Frugality

November 11, 2015November 11, 2015

In the personal finance blogosphere, you see a lot about frugality. Frugal living is essential for many people to achieve financial stability, but it’s not something I talk about very much. That’s..

7 Ways College Students Can Make Money

7 Ways College Students Can Make Money

November 10, 2015November 10, 2015

Most students go through college scrounging for change or waiting for their refunds to drop. There are many other ways for students to make some cash. Today I will be discussing 7 ways that college st..

What You Need to Know to Invest Wisely

What You Need to Know to Invest Wisely

November 9, 2015November 9, 2015

Investing can be an intimidating financial process, especially when you’re not an investment advisor expert.  But if you follow the steps outlined below you will be well on your way to creating an ..

Investing In Real Estate: Condominium

Investing In Real Estate: Condominium

November 6, 2015November 6, 2015

Real estate has more to offer than simply finding a place to call home. It is very common for anyone to be interested in owning a piece of real estate, and according to stats collected in the last 50 ..

Here’s one Asset Allocation that Billionaires Recommend

Here’s one Asset Allocation that Billionaires Recommend

November 6, 2015November 6, 2015

“This stock is hotBuy this right now!It’s going to go higher. ” Sound familiar? If you watch TV or read the news about the stock market that’s pretty much what journalists, “specialists” ..

Importance of Hiring Contractors in Real Estate Investing

Importance of Hiring Contractors in Real Estate Investing

November 3, 2015November 3, 2015

Let’s face it: Real estate investing isn’t easy. In the beginning, we try to do everything ourselves. Finding deals, administrative work, building teams—real estate investors do it all. ..

Should You Pay Off Student Loans Before Investing?

Should You Pay Off Student Loans Before Investing?

October 31, 2015October 31, 2015

Millennials who have been out of college for a few years are starting to wonder if they should start investing before they’ve paid off their student loans. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to th..

Investment Trend Forecast for Real Estate in 2016

Investment Trend Forecast for Real Estate in 2016

October 30, 2015October 30, 2015

The Emerging Trends in Real Estate report makes projections in both commercial and residential real estate for the next year. A highly respected report, it surveys more than 1,400 people in the real e..

So You Think You Know the Stock Market

So You Think You Know the Stock Market

October 29, 2015October 29, 2015

By Charisse Conanan Johnson, CFA. Charisse is a T.V. personality, financial wellness expert, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker. Charisse is the creator of the Charisse Says Show. You can follower her ..

Invest Wisely

Invest Wisely

October 29, 2015October 29, 2015

Excerpted from The Business of Family: How to Stay Rich for Generations by Linda Davis Taylor Though this is easier said than done, the numbers don’t lie. Over 30 years from 1983 to 2013, the St..

What Types of Assets Can You Trade in Binary Options Trading?

What Types of Assets Can You Trade in Binary Options Trading?

October 23, 2015October 23, 2015

Getting started trading binary options can feel confusing or overwhelming, but it does not have to feel that way. It is actually a very straightforward to enter this new industry. One of the key quest..

Investment Strategy is Not One-Size-Fits-All

Investment Strategy is Not One-Size-Fits-All

October 23, 2015October 23, 2015

There are many disciplines in life that people are willing to learn well enough to get by. Lots of people know how to make a pot of spaghetti, but never take it any farther than that. Plenty of people..

The Richest 1 Percent Owns Half of World’s Wealth

The Richest 1 Percent Owns Half of World’s Wealth

October 21, 2015October 21, 2015

A new world’s wealth report released by Credit Suisse Financial Group claims that for the first time in history, the top 1% of the world’s richest now owns 50% of all the wealth. This means the mo..

4 Killer Strategies You Need When Investing For Retirement

4 Killer Strategies You Need When Investing For Retirement

October 16, 2015October 16, 2015

If you have researched investment options for retirement, you’ve certainly noticed the dozens of different strategies and ideologies touted by investment professionals. Too many confusing options an..

Managing Expectations for Investment Returns

Managing Expectations for Investment Returns

October 15, 2015October 15, 2015

Having reasonable expectations for investment returns can help investors cope with financial turmoil and prevent unnecessary risk. When Investment Returns Are Too Good to be True In China, the stress ..

Advice for the First Time Bullion and Coin Buyer

Advice for the First Time Bullion and Coin Buyer

October 8, 2015October 8, 2015

The very first time you buy coins or bullions is a moment that is filled with mixed feelings. You are surely filled with doubt as you want to be sure that it is the right time to buy and that your p..