How to Handle Retirement Withdrawals

How to Handle Retirement Withdrawals

October 6, 2017October 6, 2017

There are two main schools of thought when it comes to retiring and drawing down the money from an investment portfolio. One common practice is called the four percent safe withdrawal rate. The other,..

Understanding 401k Plans

Understanding 401k Plans

September 19, 2017September 19, 2017

Since the first 401k became available as part of The Revenue Act of 1978 they have become a mainstay in retirement planning. While most people are familiar with the 401k plan, many people struggle wit..

Pros and Cons of Early Retirement

Pros and Cons of Early Retirement

August 30, 2017August 30, 2017

If you ask someone about their bucket list, or if you think about your own, odds are a few items on that list involve travel. If you dream of walking the Great Wall of China or seeing the Pyramids of ..

How Paying Off Your Mortgage Early Helps You Retire Sooner

How Paying Off Your Mortgage Early Helps You Retire Sooner

July 28, 2017July 28, 2017

It’s one of the most strongly recommended pieces of advice when it comes to early retirement strategies: You need to pay off your mortgage as soon as possible and become debt-free. While the benefit..

Retirement Planning for an Older Population

Retirement Planning for an Older Population

July 8, 2017July 8, 2017

People Are Living Longer According to estimates published by the Office for National Statistics the average life expectancy for newborn girls is on course to reach just under 97 years and four month..

Be Smart with Your Retirement: 4 Ways to Boost Your Nest Egg

Be Smart with Your Retirement: 4 Ways to Boost Your Nest Egg

March 14, 2017March 14, 2017

This is a post from Pauline of Sometimes, there seems like there is not enough money to do it all. Save for the next holidays, for a new car, to buy a house, send the kids to college..

4 Alternative Investment Options for Your IRA

4 Alternative Investment Options for Your IRA

January 13, 2017January 13, 2017

Forbes published a story recently about a famous pianist who died and left her daughter a significant amount of money in her IRA. The daughter wanted to purchase real estate with the money she inherit..

How to Live Like a Retired King

How to Live Like a Retired King

December 20, 2016December 20, 2016

When you’re young and starting your career, the secret to wealth involves hard work and knowledge that will translate into a successful career. You can always make investments and continue to grow i..

Talking Retirement: How to Share Your Retirement Plan with Family

Talking Retirement: How to Share Your Retirement Plan with Family

December 13, 2016December 13, 2016

Planning for retirement can be a contentious issue – in large part because it brings up a lot of worries about both financial security and physical well-being – and this can cause people to avoid ..

Planning Your Retirement with Personal Capital

Planning Your Retirement with Personal Capital

October 29, 2016October 29, 2016

Personal Capital is a great platform for managing your finances, but when you look beyond the surface it offers so much more. It gives you the ability to keep track of all your financial accounts, and..

Bad News: You Will Absolutely Need to Save More to Retire Comfortably

Bad News: You Will Absolutely Need to Save More to Retire Comfortably

July 19, 2016July 19, 2016

Hello everyone, I hate to bring bad news, but there is something going on around you, something you may have missed until now, but it is something we absolutely can no longer overlook as responsible i..

How the Future Will Dramatically Change Your Retirement

How the Future Will Dramatically Change Your Retirement

July 16, 2016July 16, 2016

500 years ago it took a century for significant change to occur. Today, meaningful change can occur in months. It will be our ability to grasp these changes that will radically affect our lives for b..

Investing – One Gear in Your Financial Machine

Investing – One Gear in Your Financial Machine

July 5, 2016July 5, 2016

Recently I shared about the 7 Gears of Wealth and focused on the first gear; which is cash flow.  There is an old saying among investors that says, “Happiness is a positive cash flow”. The secon..

How an IRA Can Supplement your Social Security Income

How an IRA Can Supplement your Social Security Income

June 23, 2016June 23, 2016

Using an IRA to supplement your Social Security can improve the quality of your retirement, but there are some things you have to be aware of. Having an IRA can affect your benefits, but it will not r..

How To Turn Your 401k or IRA Into a Paycheck Machine for Life

How To Turn Your 401k or IRA Into a Paycheck Machine for Life

May 19, 2016May 19, 2016

Since the early 1980s, 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts have become the dominant way that workers save for retirement. Yet many workers long for the days of traditional pensions when you cou..

How a Wealth Manager Can Help You Prepare for Retirement

How a Wealth Manager Can Help You Prepare for Retirement

March 16, 2016March 16, 2016

We all want to live long, healthy useful lives. A solid retirement plan is one of the best means of achieving security in advanced age, and even sooner if one plans to build enough wealth to retire ea..

How a Company Like Procter & Gamble Can Set You Up For Retirement

How a Company Like Procter & Gamble Can Set You Up For Retirement

March 10, 2016March 10, 2016

As more and more people begin to enter their retirement years they are finding that generating income to fund their expenses can be very difficult. Before 2008, most retirees used a healthy dose of tr..

The Secret IRA Your Advisor Doesn’t Know About

The Secret IRA Your Advisor Doesn’t Know About

February 18, 2016February 18, 2016

Most investors mistakenly believe they have a “self-directed IRA” when in fact they really have a multiple choice IRA.  You may self-direct your account as long as you buy stocks, mutual funds, o..

4 Killer Strategies You Need When Investing For Retirement

4 Killer Strategies You Need When Investing For Retirement

October 16, 2015October 16, 2015

If you have researched investment options for retirement, you’ve certainly noticed the dozens of different strategies and ideologies touted by investment professionals. Too many confusing options an..

3 Things Every Adult Should do to Prepare for the Future

3 Things Every Adult Should do to Prepare for the Future

July 30, 2015July 30, 2015

This could be a long list, but of course, this is a finance site. So, we’re talking about money. Being an adult has lots of ramifications. If you are in your second, third, fourth, fifth, (or more) ..

Early Retirement Extreme – Stop Working in Your 30s

Early Retirement Extreme – Stop Working in Your 30s

July 21, 2015July 21, 2015

How old are you? In your 30s? Poor you. Still, a long way to go until you finally reach your career goal: retirement!! Sure, work gives our life meaning and purpose. But wouldn’t it be great to slee..

Your Retirement, Saved (In Under 10 Minutes)

Your Retirement, Saved (In Under 10 Minutes)

July 16, 2015July 16, 2015

Does retirement scare you? You’re not alone. According to the National Institute on Retirement Security, 51% of Americans are concerned that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their ability to save ..

Rolling Over a 401(k) to an IRA

Rolling Over a 401(k) to an IRA

March 20, 2015March 20, 2015

With 401(k) plans becoming less and less useful, many investors are looking for other options to grow their money such as by using Betterment. One of the main drawbacks of the modern 401(k) is it’s ..

Is Your Retirement At Risk?

Is Your Retirement At Risk?

December 1, 2014December 1, 2014

Retirement planning is a crucial task. The reality is that most people work for most of their lives in order to save money and be able to survive their golden years without working. However, with curr..