iTrustCapital App: Digital Investment Made Easy

Jeremy BiberdorfBy: Jeremy Biberdorf

February 13, 2023February 13, 2023


Have you ever felt like a superhero when you make a mobile transaction without leaving your home? This is made possible through using financial institutions behind the scenes, which you trust to transfer your funds securely.

The iTrustCapital App operates similarly, allowing you to transfer and manage your funds through its mobile platform easily.

With iTrustCapital, you’ll have access to transaction data and information to help you make informed investment decisions.

In this article, we’ll walk you through all you need to know about the iTrustCapital App and help you understand how to use it to its full potential.
Learn More About iTrustCapital App

iTrustCapital App: Why Should I Care?

iTrustCapital App

Firstly, it’s your investment and your money; you must care! Secondly, you should know everything about an organization you entrusted with your funds.

The two reasons are the primary purpose of writing about the iTrustCapital App.

  • iTrustCapital app embraces transparency

It shows all transactions (previous and current flow) and gives you insight into a possible investment because it displays the current cryptocurrency flows. You can easily deduce what to buy and what not to buy.

  • iTrustCapital app algorithm

An algorithm is a process of “solving a problem.” How does “two” plus “two” equal “four?” The process of getting the answer is what’s called an algorithm.

iTrustCapital app algorithm, following the above explanation, gives you simplified solutions based on your activities on the mobile App. For example, you can check your transaction history and compare it to current cryptocurrency flows.

  • Intuitive user interface

The clean UI makes investment options easy to locate because you can trace all token performances in real-time. The App does not give you investment advice or show an offer to sell or buy. It serves for information purposes only.

For example, assuming you have a considerable interest in a cryptocurrency token, let’s say ETH, the iTrustCapital App will satisfy you with ETH market data and transaction insights like “market cap, market volume, and trade activity.”

In this case, ETH trade activity is the percentage of buying/selling. You can decide to buy/sell or engage in other activities following the transaction insights provided by the App. However, this data is not investment advice in any way.

If you like to know more about this platform, we invite you to read our detailed iTrustCapital review.

How To Use the iTrustCapital App: The Crypto IRA

Now, let’s talk about the iTrustCapital App and how you can use it for personal profits.

iTrustCapital App is only available for apple products; the apk version is still under development. The significant functions of the iTrustCapital App are:

  • Trade
  • Dashboard
  • Assets
  • Report
  • Contact
  • Logout

You will see them in the menu options (on the left side) on the iTrustCapital App.

  • The Trade button includes buying/selling options

It takes you to the page where you can buy or sell your assets. The buy options are “conditional and market order.” Each of them contains variables that speak of your investment plans.

The “submit market buy” and “submit conditional buy” are the final buttons that activate the transaction upon submission. However, it is beneficial to set up your dashboard before you trade.

  • The dashboard displays personal data

The data includes your portfolio, assets, watchlists, balance, pending transactions, and currency value.

The assets are the tokens. Investors see the token values as gainers, losers, stakes, balance, and pending.

  • Reports show current and historical data.

The reports show all transactions from which you can make future decisions. These values are necessary to make profits and are in the iTrustCapital App.

The iTrustCapital App responds to your crypto IRA; you can invest or decide depending on your crypto capacity. You must make transactions within your crypto IRA worth.

Other options are automated buying/selling, crypto assets investment, fund-adding option, and balance check.

The automated buying/selling option works with conditional transactions. It is called “conditional” because the transaction is based on your price parameters.


Successful trading relies on a well-planned strategy. It’s important you remember that every investment carries the possibility of both risk and reward.

That’s where iTrustCapital comes in. The App is designed to help manage risk and maximize profit potential.

Please note iTrustCapital does not offer investment advice. Instead, it provides you with the data and insights you need to make informed trading decisions.

As the user, you are fully responsible for any investments made. However, by signing up for iTrustCapital, you gain access to tailored information that can help guide your decisions when investing in crypto, gold and silver.

Get Started With iTrustCapital App

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Jeremy Biberdorf
Jeremy Biberdorf

About the Author:

Jeremy Biberdorf is the founder of Modest Money. He's a father of 2 beautiful girls, a dog owner, a long-time online entrepreneur and an investing enthusiast.

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