How to Use Moving Averages in Trading: A Detailed Guide
June 14, 2024
Moving averages are fundamental tools in technical analysis, used extensively across various financial markets to smooth price data and identify trends. By averaging price data over a specific period,..
Day Trading Terms: Your Guide to Essential Terminology
June 14, 2024
Understanding the language of day trading is crucial for anyone looking to participate actively and successfully in the stock market during trading hours. Like any specialized field, day trading come..
Essential Day Trading Rules: A Beginner’s Guide
June 14, 2024
Day trading is a form of stock trading where both buying and selling are completed within the same trading day. Traders capitalize on small price movements in highly liquid stocks or currencies, aimin..
Insights Into Value Investing Strategy
June 28, 2023
Investing in the stock market can seem intimidating for beginners, especially given the vast amount of research and knowledge required to make informed decisions. One method that has proven successful..
Year-Over-Year: Why Investors Must Understand This Common Phrase
April 15, 2019
Investors and business leaders tend to use the phrase “year-over-year” on a frequent basis when discussing a company’s results. Year-over-year is often abbreviated as YoY. The concept of YoY is ..
Five Investments That Preserve Capital, Reduce Risk
February 7, 2019
Almost 34 percent of Americans said they planned to make at least one financial resolution for 2019, reported US New & World Report. Rebalancing one’s investment portfolio was one of those decl..
2 Easy Ways to Use Arbitrage to Make Money in the Stock Market
October 8, 2018
Are you familiar with the term arbitrage? It is simply the process by which you make money by taking advantage of pricing differences. And there are many ways you can use arbitrage to your advantage, ..
Complete Beginners Guide to Closed End Funds
September 24, 2018
There are many investment options for investors to choose from. While mutual funds are a huge business, many investors are unaware that there are two types of mutual funds, open end and closed end fun..
Why a Roth 401K Plan Makes Sense For You
September 11, 2018
Most everyone knows about a 401k plan. It is a typical benefit employers provide to help their employees save for retirement. While there are many benefits to investing in a 401k plan, there ar..
Understanding Market Timing and How to Profit from It
August 21, 2018
There is money to be made in the stock market. How you go about investing however is totally up to you. Some investors are buy and hold types. This means they buy a stock, mutual fund or ETF and hold ..
4 Overlooked Benefits of A Roth IRA
June 20, 2018
You hear a lot about how great a Roth IRA is for saving for your retirement. After all, who wouldn’t want their money to grow tax-free and be able to withdraw it tax-free too? But there are some add..
4 Alternative Investments That Will Make You Money
June 19, 2018
The stock market is a great way for you to grow your wealth. After all, if you simply follow the indexes and invest for the long term, you can achieve an average 8% return on your money. There are ver..
Critical Reasons To Invest In Small Cap Stocks
May 10, 2018
When it comes to investing, you need to make sure you have a well diversified portfolio so that you can lower your risk. A great way to add diversification to your portfolio is with small cap stocks. ..
4 Reasons Why Preferred Stocks Are Smart Investments
April 26, 2018
If you are an income investor, it could make sense for you to look into owning preferred shares. This is because for income and dividend investors, owning preferred shares has many benefits, most of w..
Do You Know the Secret Costs Of Mutual Funds
April 11, 2018
Mutual funds are a great way for people to invest in the stock market. By allowing for instant diversification, investors without a lot of money are able to control risk and earn a higher return than ..
6 Concrete Reasons Why Smart Investors Own Gold
March 16, 2018
6 Concrete Reasons Why Smart Investors Own Gold Gold has always been a smart, long term investment for investors. It hasn’t been until the housing bubble crushed the stock market and volatility star..
3 Easy Investing Tips to Lower Your Taxable Income
February 27, 2018
One of the biggest reasons investors earn lower than expected returns is from taxes. Taxes eat up on any gains you earn, causing you to earn less than what a mutual fund or exchange traded fund earned..
How to Use Opportunity Cost to Grow Your Wealth
February 13, 2018
Are you familiar with opportunity cost? Most people in business have come across this term early in their careers, but everyone, regardless of profession or interest, can use opportunity cost to their..
Irrational Exuberance: How to Cash in When Others Are Losing Money
January 31, 2018
Greed and fear rule the market. For individual investors, the majority base their investing decisions on these two emotions and as a result, end up losing money more often then make money. You might e..
How to Use Behavioral Finance to Your Investing Advantage
January 18, 2018
Do you know why you make the choices you do when it comes to investing? I’m sure you could look back on some of your past investment decisions and wonder what in the world were you thinking. While s..
Investing Is Not A Zero-Sum Game – Leads To Money For Smart Investors
January 5, 2018
Ask the majority of people about investing and they will probably tell you that when the stock market rises, everyone wins and when it drops, everyone loses. But this isn’t the case. Investing in th..
Dollar Cost Averaging: The Simple Investing Strategy That Works
December 18, 2017
Many times we investors make investing much harder than it needs to be. We spend countless hours researching trying to find the next Apple or Amazon. In reality, we could just deploy a simple dollar c..
Using The Power Of The 80-20 Rule For Larger Returns
December 6, 2017
When it comes to investing, we all want to earn the highest return possible. There are many strategies out there to help with this endeavor. Some investors use charting tools, while others go by a fun..
Picking the Best Growth Stocks for Your Portfolio
October 28, 2017
When people envision the stock market, particularly those who are not well versed on the subject, they tend to think of growth stocks. They think of the story of that one person who made a fortune off..