TradingView App Review – Mobility and Social Media Experience

Bob HaegeleBy: Bob Haegele

July 14, 2021July 14, 2021

There are a slew of features which make TradingView’s mobile appeasy to recommend to beginner and veteran traders alike. For starters, TradingView’s mobile app is as robust as it’s desktop counterpart. What’s more, all information is presented in real time and users have their pick of the most popular and useful stock charts.

And we cannot overlook the fact that most of TradingView’s flagship features are included with its free version. Free users receive one chart per layout, one server-side alert with three indicators, and, perhaps most importantly, access to TradingView’s global community.

Social media has become such a ubiquitous part of our lives that we often take its presence for granted. Sure, social media has been linked to increased rates of stress, anxiety, and depression, but two studies published in the peer-reviewed journal “Psychology of Popular Media Culture” actually reveal that social media can be a force for good.

See, those researchers show that social media users with depressive symptoms are often involved in negative interactions. This means that the quality and tone of online interaction largely determines its effect – in short, a harmonious environment spells a harmonious individual.

This TradingView app review will highlight some of the positive effects TradingView’s social media community can have on personal investors. Though day trading has many perks, it can be a lonely experience. It’s an occupation that most of us perform on our own, and it can even be difficult to tell friends or associates about our trading success (or failure) without it coming across as a form of bragging.

Not only does TradingView offer engaging discussion to liven up your day, but their “investor life streams” allow one a bird’s eye view of just how professional traders work. TradingView, in short, involves you in a world of like-minded people.

Becoming part of the TradingView community gives one the opportunity to connect and grow with peers. From everything we’ve seen and heard, it’s a positive experience, full of encouragement and good cheer.

Let’s take a closer look at the social media features of TradingView.

Active Trading Community – TradingView as Network

As stated on TradingView’s homepage, its “community is driven by a scientific approach of peer review: to share, review, critique, learn from, and build upon helpful, descriptive ideas in order to maximize profits.”

A network is a series of hubs, hinges, and nodes, and as literary scholar Caroline Levine writes, networks “first and foremost afford connectedness . . . [acting as] a linkage between objects, bodies, and discourses.” This means that TradingView’s social media network is predicated on and renewed through interconnectivity and interaction.

Billed as the largest social media network on the web for investors and traders, there are thousands of streams presented daily which cover an array of financial topics. It’s sort of like Twitch, only dedicated to trading.

What’s great about TradingView is that it encourages one to cultivate their very own streaming channel. Don’t just be a passive viewer living vicariously through other people’s fun and success; with TradingView’s easy-to-use software, you can have your own channel up and running in no time.

Hosting your own stream also leads to healthy, critical discussions about trading strategies that you are employing. Debate is key to the development of big ideas and ground-breaking theories within academia. And this is something that TradingView’s technology naturally facilitates.

Professional Streams – Where Ideas Are Born

Have you ever wondered what it is like to trade as a professional? Not only about the strategies they employ, but the mood, demeanor, and all those little curiosities they bring to the process?

TradingView’s investor live streams give you the opportunity to see the masters at work. What at first may feel like base voyeurism turns into a kind of master class for the uninitiated—TradingView’s idea behind investor live streams is not only entertainment, but education.

There is much to trading that cannot be objectively explained, and watching these pros at work will give you real insights into your own trading habits. Live streams also include a chat feature, where the discussion is often as engaging as what’s happening on the screen.

Another great feature of investor live streams is that they are all archived, allowing you to watch them at your own pace.

Conclusion – Social Media and Application

TradingView is much more than a simple low-cost charts and analysis software solution. While it packs all the technical features that help beginner and veteran alike make better, more informed stock picks, we find that it really shines when you take advantage of its human community.

With the mobility that the TradingView app provides, it’s like having 24/7 access to the good side of social media. Forget the superficial posturing and redundant pictures of food you associate with social media; TradingView’s members are interested in one thing, and one thing only: beating the market.

Never feel the loneliness of day trading again –sign up for TradingView and tap into a bona fide community of the like-minded.

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Bob Haegele
Bob Haegele

About the Author:

Bob Haegele is a personal finance writer, entrepreneur, and dog walker. He's a money management expert and investing connoisseur. Bob has been writing about personal finance for three years and now manages several personal finance sites, including The Frugal Fellow and Modest Money. You can also find him contributing to popular websites such as GOBankingRates, Bankrate, and You can see more of his work on Muck Rack and Contently, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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